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Get Help For Your Child Today!

Enhancing Communication.

Building Confidence.

Growing Together.

Children's Speech and Occupational Therapy
in Boca Raton & Delray Beach

Helping Your Child Express Their True Potential!

Our Boca Raton Pediatric Speech and Occupational Therapists provide services to children from birth to adolescence. We specialize in the treatment of a variety of developmental and neurological disorders. Serving Boca Raton and Delray Beach.


At Expressions 4 Kids, we provide both individualized and group therapy for speech, language, feeding and occupational therapy. Our programs are designed to encourage generalization in the child's home and community environment. 

With our experience and your dedicated involvement, we believe your child has the potential to become a more confident communicator with improved expressions of themselves.


We invite you to meet with our board-certified Speech-Language Pathologists and Occupational Therapists to learn more about what else is possible for you and your child.

If you have any questions or concerns, please call us today at 561-571-5287 or visit our Contact page.

Let Us Contact You

If you have any questions or concerns about therapy, please feel free to contact us using the form below. We typically respond within 1-3 business days.

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Speech-Language & Occupational Therapy

If your child is struggling, schedule an evaluation with our speech and occupational therapists today.

Online Speech Therapy

We offer online speech therapy to children and teenagers throughout Florida.


Learn about various speech and language related conditions and how we treat them.

Our Boca Raton  Therapy Center Is Here To Serve You

We offer Speech and Occupational Therapy services in Boca Raton and we specialize in the treatment of kids with developmental delays, language delays, articulation delays, autism spectrum disorder, pervasive developmental disorder, reading delays and Down Syndrome. 

Whether your child has received a diagnosis or you're just concerned that he or she may be slipping behind their developmental milestones, we will provide a comprehensive evaluation, customized treatment recommendations, and personalized support throughout the entire process.

We work with a network of Health Professionals and Doctors including Psychologists, Psychiatrists, Behavioral Therapists, Medical Doctors and Chiropractors. Call us today or fill out our contact form to learn about our therapy services or schedule an evaluation.

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