7601 North Federal Highway B-165 Boca Raton FL 33487
Email: info@expressions4kids.com
Expressions 4 Kids
Expressions 4 Kids offers speech, language, feeding, myofunctional and occupational therapy services for children in the Boca Raton, Delray Beach and surrounding communities.
Contact 561-571-5287 for details.

Get Help For Your Child Today!
Enhancing Communication.
Building Confidence.
Growing Together.
What is a Tongue-tie?
Tongue-tie (ankyloglossia) is a condition present at birth that restricts the tongue's range of motion. A tongue-tie presents when a child has a short, thick or tight band of tissue (lingual frenulum). Depending on how much the tissue restricts tongue movement, it may interfere with breastfeeding, eating, or speaking.
Breastfeeding requires a baby to coordinate the nipple with their tongue. If a tongue-tie is present the baby might chew instead of suck on the nipple. This can cause nipple pain and interfere with a baby's ability to get breast milk and can lead to inadequate nutrition and failure to thrive.
Tongue-ties can impact a child's ability to coordinate their food and properly swallow due to restricted tongue movement. A child may struggle to lick an ice-cream or lollipop and may often bite the food instead.
Tongue-ties can interfere with the ability to make certain sounds — such as "t," "d," "z," "s," "th," "n" and "l", which require appropriate tongue elevation.

Our Boca Raton Speech Therapists Can Help!
Difficulty lifting the tongue to the upper teeth
Difficulty moving the tongue from side to side.
Trouble sticking out the tongue past the lower front teeth.
A tongue tip that appears heart shaped when stuck out.
Our Boca Raton Pediatric Speech Therapists assess and treat tongue-ties in children. We also provide pre- and post-operative therapy for tongue-ties.
If you would like to schedule your child for an evaluation please contact us here.