7601 North Federal Highway B-165 Boca Raton FL 33487
Email: info@expressions4kids.com
Expressions 4 Kids
Expressions 4 Kids offers speech, language, feeding, myofunctional and occupational therapy services for children in the Boca Raton, Delray Beach and surrounding communities.
Contact 561-571-5287 for details.
Get Help For Your Child Today!
Enhancing Communication.
Building Confidence.
Growing Together.
Myofunctional Disorders
What is a Myofunctional Disorder (OMD)
Children, teenagers, and adults may suffer from OMDs. OMDS interfere with normal growth and development of the muscles and bones of the face and mouth and can impact eating, talking, and breathing.
Mouth breathing
Difficulty breathing through their nose
Limited tongue movement
Eating may be messy or difficult
An overbite, underbite, and/or other dental problems
The tongue pushing past the teeth
Difficulty saying some sounds like "s", "z","sh", "ch", and "j"
Drooling, especially beyond age 2
Difficulty closing the lips to swallow.
- Tongue thrust
Our Boca Raton Pediatric Speech Therapists assess and treat myofunctional disorders.
If you would like to schedule your child for an evaluation please contact us here.